The Platinum Ticket shortlisted for the Pratchett Prize





March 31st 2011 - The Terry Pratchett Anywhere But Here, Anywhen But Now First Novel Shortlist is announced in a press release from Transworld Publishers:

The Terry Pratchett Anywhere But Here, Anywhen But Now First Novel Prize




Sir Terry Pratchett and Transworld Publishers launched a new award for aspiring debut novelists in June last year: the Terry Pratchett Anywhere But Here, Anywhen But Now Prize. Since the deadline for submissions on 31 December 2010, the team have spent many hours reading, reporting and discussing the over 500 entries that were submitted for the £20,000 prize as an advance on a publishing contract.


Here is the final shortlist in alphabetical order:


 1. Postponing Armageddon by Adele Abbott

 2. The Platinum Ticket by Dave Beynon

 3. Half Sick of Shadows by David Logan

 4. Apocalypse Cow by Michael Logan

 5. Lun by Andrew Salomon

 6. The Coven at Callington by Shereen Vedam


The six shortlisted books cover a breadth of topics and sub genres, imagination and alternate worlds. Each shortlisted entry was chosen for their skilful writing, vast imaginative powers and ability to tell a good story!

 The winner will be judged by Sir Terry Pratchett, Tony Robinson, Michael Rowley from Waterstone’s, Marianne Velmans, Publishing Director of Doubleday and Simon Taylor, Editorial Director at Transworld Publishers.  The winner will be announced by Sir Terry Pratchett at a party to be held on 31 May 2011.

Sir Terry Pratchett and Transworld Publishers would like to thank everyone who submitted an entry to the prize.


For more information please contact: Lynsey Dalladay, Press Officer at Transworld Publishers on 0208 231 6793 or



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