All About Dave Beynon

The Short Bio

Dave Beynon’s short stories have appeared in periodicals and anthologies, received an honourable mention in The Best Horror of the Year, and he was shortlisted for the inaugural Terry Pratchett Prize. He grew up on farmland in Southern Ontario and now lives in a small town outside of Toronto with his family.

The Longer Bio
Originally from Britain, Dave Beynon came to Canada as an infant, growing up on a farm just outside of Dundalk, Ontario.  He has been a cow milker, a residence manager at the Hamilton Downtown YMCA (there’s a novel waiting to be written about those four years), a factory worker and a purveyor of fine corrugated packaging and displays. 

Dave writes speculative fiction of varying genres and lengths.  In 2011, his novel, The Platinum Ticket was shortlisted for the Terry Pratchett Prize.  Dave co-hosts a local cable TV show called Turning Pages, an in-depth interview show that highlights authors, writing and publishing.

He lives in Fergus, Ontario with his wife, two children, three chickens and a pond full of feral goldfish. 

Dave's writing is represented by Ed Wilson of Johnson & Alcock.  Their website can be found by following this link.


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